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Incorporation Services

All forms of business organisations in Singapore need to be registered with ACRA. ASTE Corporate provides support and assistance to companies and individuals on matters pertaining to Singapore company incorporations. We assist in the preparation of all the necessary documents required for submission relating to the setting up of private companies, branch offices, representative offices, sole proprietorship, partnerships, limited liability partnerships and business name.

Private Companies

For clients who intend to set up a Private Limited company in Singapore, our team can advise on getting your company incorporated in an efficient and proper manner.
The following requirements have to be met for a company to be incorporated:

  • One director ordinarily resident in Singapore
  • One shareholder
  • Minimum of one share
  • Registered Office located in Singapore

Our services include the following:

Incorporation of the Company

  • Customised Constitutions1 that can be further amended to suit your business requirements
  • Provision of a company Common Seal
  • Creation of Share Certificates for shareholders
  • Copy of the Business Profile

1: Previously known as the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Registered Office Address

  • Provision of a Registered Office address that is located in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District
  • Local mail-forwarding and mail scanning facilities

Opening of a Bank Account

  • Prepare board resolution to open bank account
  • Arrange for a meeting with specified bank’s representative
  • Assist with bank’s due diligence process

Nominee Director

  • Provision of a non-executive director that is resident in Singapore
  • Refundable security deposit required
  • Subjected to our internal “Client Risk Assessment Review” requirements
  • Must execute our Nominee Director’s Indemnity Agreement
  • Mandatory to take up our book-keeping and accounting service
  • Our payroll service need to be taken up if there are employees within the company

Establishment of Foreign Companies (Singapore Branch)

A foreign company incorporated outside Singapore may establish a business or carry on business in Singapore through a Branch. A foreign company is required by law before it establishes a place of business or commences to carry on business in Singapore to lodge certain documents for registration with the ACRA.

We assist in the preparation and filing of the necessary documents for registration of a Singapore Branch online via BizFile. We can also act as corporate secretarial agent for the subsequent compliance of the continuing obligations of a Singapore Branch, annual filing of accounts and the cessation of business in Singapore or liquidation of the Singapore Branch.

Registration of a Business Name/Limited Liability Company

We assist in the preparation and filing of the necessary documents for registration of a business name, or LLP, appointment of a manager, changes in registered particulars, termination of registration and renewal of Certificate of Registration for business names and annual declaration and accounts for LLP.

Establishment of a Representative Office

Foreign companies may have a presence in Singapore by establishing a Representative Office (“RO”). A RO has no legal corporate status in Singapore. Its activities are restricted by rules enforced by International Enterprise Singapore (“IE Singapore”) although there is no statute governing ROs at the present time. IE Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) are responsible for the registration of ROs in Singapore.

IE Singapore registers ROs from the manufacturing, trading, trade logistics and trade-related services sectors while MAS registers ROs from finance-related industries.

We assist in the preparation and filing of the necessary documents for setting up of a Representative Office including the renewal of the registration.

Incorporation Services

Incorporate a company in Singapore.

Nominee Director

All Singapore incorporated companies are required to have a minimum of one resident director (Singaporean or Singapore PR).

You may also engage the services of a nominee director if you are unable to meet this requirement.

You will need to be:

  • Subjected to our internal “Client Risk Assessment Review” requirements
  • Executing our Nominee Director’s Indemnity Agreement
  • Taking up our book-keeping and accounting service
  • Engaging our payroll service if there are employees within the company

Nominee Director

Corporate Secretarial Services

Singapore Companies Act states that every company is required to appoint a Company Secretary within 6 months of incorporating a Private Limited company. The company secretary must be an ordinary Singapore resident.

General duties of a company secretary will include (non-exhaustive)

  • Keeping and Updating of Statutory Registers Books and minutes book
  • Preparing of regular directors’ resolutions / shareholder resolutions or minutes
  • Preparation of Annual General Meeting minutes
  • Filing of statutory changes with ACRA (Eg. Officer’s appointment/resignation)
  • Submission of Annual Returns

Corporate Secretarial Services

Corporate Secretarial Services

Accounting/Book-keeping/GST/Corporate Tax

Directors of a Singapore private limited company are responsible to maintain proper internal accounting records that will enable the preparation of the company financial statements and reporting in accordance to the relevant legislation.

Our services include : –

  • Yearly / Quarterly / Monthly reporting period as required
  • Accounts Payable Ledger Maintenance
  • Accounts Receivable Maintenance
  • Bank and other Account Reconciliation
  • Fixed Assets Ledger Maintenance
  • Cash Flow / Budgeting
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) application, preparation and submission (As stipulated by IRAS, a Singapore registered company with an annual turnover of S$1million is liable to register for GST)
  • Payroll service
  • Corporate Tax Computation and and submission of Form C / Form C-S
  • Preparation of Unaudited Financial Report
  • Preparation of XBRL Report

Accounting/Book-keeping/GST/Corporate Tax

Human Resource

We provide services relating to Human Resource Management such as:

  • Payroll services
  • Application of work passes (subjected to approval of the Ministry of Manpower)

Human Resource

Closure of company

A company may apply to Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to strike its name off the Register pursuant to Section 344 of the Companies Act.

ACRA may approve the application if it has reasonable cause to believe that the company is not carrying on business and the company is able to satisfy the criteria for striking off (e.g. the company must not have any assets and liabilities, no outstanding penalties with any government authorities, no intention to carry on business and etc.)

  • assist in striking off or closing down an inactive company with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • Assist your company on the tax clearance with the Tax Department, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).

Closure of company